3 Components of a Great RV Park

More and more people these days are hitting the road in RVs. Some of the travelers are part-time and others are taking on the lifestyle full-time. It is estimated that at least a million people in the United States are living in RVs. When you are looking at kemah rv parks, it’s good to have an idea of the elements that make up an RV park that will provide a positive experience. Here are three things to look for in a great RV park.

Friendly Staff

When you are traveling, you encounter a great deal of newness. A lot of new can be a little disorienting for some people. A great RV park will have friendly, helpful staff who genuinely care about you, any fellow travelers and pets. Friendly staff are happy to help you get acquainted with your new surroundings. They will offer suggestions of places to go and things to see that you may not be aware of. They are a great resource for RV travelers.

Hot Showers

While most RVs have a bath with a shower, the space is generally cramped with low water pressure from the shower head. The showering done in an RV can be less than optimal.

Here’s where a great RV park can really shine. Clean public restrooms with private showers are an amenity to look out for. Optimally, the showers have plenty of free-flowing hot water.

Picnic Tables

While many RV travelers carry tables for outdoor meals, it is pleasant to not be obligated to set up your own table after a long day on the road. Dining outdoors is one of the many pleasures of RV travel. A great RV park will provide a picnic table at every site.

There are thousands of RV parks across the United States. Knowing a few things about identifying the great ones will ensure your trip is a success.