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19 of the Best Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See in 2021

How do you convince your visitors to take the plunge on your website? There are so many elements that a top-notch landing

5 Best Responsive Web Design Practices In 2018

By now you may have heard the term “responsive web design” being thrown around. In case you’re new to this concept or

5 steps to speed up your image heavy website

Another factor that comes into picture with mobile devices is the Device Pixel Ratio or the DPR value. Modern mobile phones have

Use These Web Design Tricks to Grow Your Business Exponentially

Growing any business is, well, tough business. You’ve got your hand in every pot while simultaneously wearing every hat. You’re worrying about

How to use your Android or iOS device as a webcam

A good webcam, let alone any webcam, is tough to find these days. Just to put a time marker on this post:

Users discover wallpaper that can crash some Android phones

A bug in Android means that setting a certain image as your phone’s wallpaper could be enough to crash it. The issue

One in three small businesses close to winding up, says survey

The AIMO survey comprises 46,525 responses from MSMEs, self-employed, corporate CEOs and employees. It was conducted online between May 24 and May

Apple’s New MacBook Pro’s Sneaky Surprise

Apple has bumped up the price of the new MacBook Pro machines for those looking to bump up the specifications of the

The Android hardware truth Google won’t tell you

As the gatekeeper of Android, Google frequently finds itself in an awkward position. The company has its own platform-wide priorities and ways

Apple iOS 13.5: Vital New iPhone Feature Will Drop Any Minute Now

Apple’s iOS 13.5 is about to drop with a vital new feature everyone will use. Here’s what you need to know. Apple’s