Interfacing the remote spots at IBC 2024

IBC 2024 - 3 Phases of Technological modernization

As the great setting for exploring the new media scene, IBC sets to open its entryways from September 13 to 16 at the RAI in Amsterdam. This gathering is a combination of industry as vital participants from media, diversion, and innovation take space to share the most recent bits of knowledge from their areas. Collabora will likewise be available to add the open source touch at Stall C40 in Corridor 5; stop by to make proper acquaintance!

To delineate the adaptability of open source, we have three demos prepared to show you: the primary highlights a portion of our work with Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime Video on the Spot convention. The second glances at the intricacies of the product incorporation of LCEVC, MPEG’s original upgrade codec, into the GStreamer interactive media structure. What’s more, the third is a coordinated effort with PlutoVR on remote-delivering for independent XR.

Gadget Computerization Transport on the RDK

Cooperating to further develop the application testing and confirmation process for gadget accomplices, Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime Video made the Gadget Robotization Transport (Spot), an open-source network convention that empowers gadget producers and application engineers to control a gadget under test from a distance. Collabora made a reference implemention of Touch, alongside a model backend for the RDK stage. Drop by our stall to see Spot being utilized to control a RDK set top box including the Cobalt Open Source lightweight application compartment with the YouTube application.

LCEVC meets GStreamer

MPEG-5 Section 2 Low Intricacy Improvement Video Coding (LCEVC) is another video standard. LCEVC works by encoding a lower goal variant of a source picture utilizing any current codec like H.264, H.265 or AV1 (the base codec) and the distinction between the remade lower goal picture and the source utilizing an alternate pressure technique (the improvement). This outcomes in a more noteworthy pressure proportion than the base codec alone. We’ll show the GStreamer joining of LCEVC with the base layer being decoded by an equipment decoder utilizing standard GStreamer modules.


An imaginative undertaking that was intended to upgrade independent XR encounters through remote-delivering. Utilizing the force of Monado OpenXR and GStreamer, ElectricMaple empowers top notch XR gushing from illustrations competent servers to lightweight independent headsets. The advantages of remote-delivered content incorporate unrivaled designs quality, diminished gadget cost and intricacy, longer battery duration, and lightened heat the executives.

As a critical supporter of the GStreamer, PipeWire, and Wayland projects, Collabora offers unmatched skill in coordinating state of the art Open Source advances with the most recent sight and sound norms. Whether your necessities include low-idleness streaming, cloud transcoding, inserted catch and playback, or AR/VR improvement, Collabora gives a variety of fitted answers for assist you with advancing across the computerized media scene.