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Microsoft confirms surface three production will stop this 12 months, has no public plans for a observe-up

Microsoft has showed that its surface 3 tablet, already in quick supply, is in the technique of being phased out. Microsoft will

Sonos says no to a Windows 10 Universal app

Inquisitive Windows users got an answer today from Sonos that put a bit of a damper on the future of a dedicated

Windows 10 news recap: No new build, Start Menu coming soon

Welcome back to our weekly Windows 10 news recap, in which we recap the top news stories regarding Windows 10 for the

New No Man’s Sky Demo Reveals New Gameplay Details

In new 21 minute demo, Hello Games managing director Sean Murray demonstrates some gameplay details for the studio’s upcoming universe-exploration title, No Man’s

Microsoft: No baked-in ad blocker for you!

Microsoft does not plan on baking an online ad blocker into its Edge browser, a company engineer said today, rebutting a piece

Battleborn system requirements revealed, no 4K support at launch

2K Games has dropped a big Battleborn info dump that helpfully collects everything you ever wanted to know about the upcoming FPS/MOBA

Spotify no longer supporting Windows Phone app [updated]

Update: Spotify has responded by stated they are not ceasing support for Windows Phone. A new update to the app is expected