How does immigration affect global business?


Voters concerned about immigration helped swing both the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump, but the anxiety doesn’t end with Britain and the United States. Workers in many countries are putting pressure on their lawmakers to counter perceived threats from immigration. While there are common drivers of such anxiety, immigration in each nation operates within a very different legal, historical, and sociological context. Global Network Perspectives asked faculty members from schools around the Global Network for Advanced Management to provide local context.
In recent decades, Brazil—long a net exporter of workers—has also seen small inflows of both unskilled and skilled workers. In his Global Network Perspectives contribution, Professor Guilherme Stolle Paixão e Casarões of the Sao Paolo School of Business Administration notes that recession, bureaucracy, and an inward-looking business culture have delayed a reckoning over the need for dramatic opening of Brazil’s borders. He adds, “If Brazil keeps opening up at a slow rate for foreign workers, it will most certainly lag behind more dynamic emerging economies in the future.”