Android Archive

WhatsApp ends support for devices running older Android builds
Loknath Das
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While WhatsApp remains almost ubiquitous across an array of hardware and software, support has now been ended for devices running older Android

Cyber Monday smartphone deals are here: iPhone, Android, Samsung
Loknath Das
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Unless you’ve upgraded your phone since the new iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, or Google Pixel came out in August or September 2019, you likely have a new

Google to auction slots on Android default search ‘choice screen’ in Europe next year, rivals cry ‘pay-to-play’ foul
Loknath Das
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Starting early next year Google will present Android users in Europe with a search engine choice screen when handsets bundle its own

How to find your Android phone with any device
Loknath Das
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We’ve all had a device go missing at some point and it can certainly be a bit nerve-wracking. Fortunately, Android has quite

Millions choose a cashless lifestyle
Loknath Das
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More than five million people led a close to cashless lifestyle last year, as debit cards secured their position as the most

Huawei’s smartphone Android OS replacement will launch in June
Loknath Das
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Huawei’s home-grown operating system – code-named HongMeng – set to replace Android once Google’s ban comes into full effect, will be commercially

Huawei devices, including Nexus 6P, removed from Android Enterprise device list
Loknath Das
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Google’s list of Android Enterprise Recommended devices are largely considered the most secure options for companies to hand out to their employees.

5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week – Android Apps Weekly
Loknath Das
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Welcome to the 289th edition of Android Apps Weekly! Here are the big headlines from the last week: Microsoft is bringing a Forza

How to Reset Any iPhone or Android Device
Loknath Das
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You’re getting ready to sell or give away your iPhone, iPad, or Android device, but first you want to wipe all traces

Snapchat releases rebuilt Android app
Loknath Das
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Snap has finally released its new, rebuilt Snapchat Android app, which the company has been rewriting from the ground up since the beginning