Windows Archive

Windows Downdate: Minimization Assaults Utilizing Windows Updates
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Minimize assaults — otherwise called form rollback assaults — are a kind of assault intended to return a safe, completely forward-thinking programming

Windows Desktop Specialist: Sample Resume and Required Skills
Loknath Das
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Desktop specialists are critical components of any corporation. Without their assistance in resolving bugs and updating operating systems, teams may collapse into

Delivering Windows 10 Form 19045.4713 to Beta and Delivery Review Channels
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Hi Windows Insiders, today we are delivering Windows 10 22H2 Form 19045.4713 (KB5040525) to BOTH the Beta Channel and Delivery See Channel

Add That Retro Linux Wobbly Window Animation to Windows 10
Catherine Garcia
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Windows users: remember those weird Linux animations Ubuntu users went on and on around a decade ago? Ubuntu users can’t use them anymore, but

Slack patches vulnerability in Windows client that could be used to hijack files
Catherine Garcia
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On May 17, researchers at Tenable revealed that they had discovered a vulnerability in the Windows version of the desktop application for Slack, the widely

Latest Microsoft Windows 10 update offers good news for Apple and Android
Catherine Garcia
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Microsoft confirms it will no longer support Windows 10 Mobile (Image: MICROSOFT • APPLE • GOOGLE) Microsoft has finally admitted defeat and is ending all support

Personalized content at a glance: Introducing news and interests on the Windows 10 taskbar
Catherine Garcia
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It should be easy to catch up on the things we care about. Yet, we’re often stuck juggling devices, jumping between websites

Microsoft Office App Unveiled for Windows 10, Brings Features of
Loknath Das
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Microsoft has launched a Windows 10 app for their Office suite users, who frequently use the Web versions of the apps. The

FragmentSmack vulnerability also affects Windows, but Microsoft patched it
Loknath Das
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Microsoft has fixed this week a vulnerability that can cause Windows systems to become unresponsive with 100% CPU utilization when bombarded with

Microsoft releases new Windows 10 preview with promise of Tencent games compatibility
Loknath Das
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Microsoft today released a new Windows 10 preview for PCs with Tencent games compatibility promise and five bug fixes. This build is from the